A logo for health is your wealth with two hands holding a mortar and pestle.


A stove with pots and pans cooking on it in a kitchen.

Dr. Cooper himself had been suffering from aluminum poisoning which cleared up on the abandonment of this type of cooking utensils. He gives a series of cases of patients suffering from aluminum poisoning, there being immediate relief upon the discontinuance of the offending utensils. Dr. Cooper states that aluminum residues in food cause irritation, inflammation and serious harm to the nervous system which are sometimes expressed in neuralgias. Certain skin diseases were also cured when aluminum utensils were abandoned. He also shows that some of the aluminum taken in is cumulative in the human system.

Another worker against aluminum is Dr. Leo Spira who in 1933 published a monograph on the subject called The Clinical Aspect of Chronic Poisoning by Aluminum and its Alloys, which gives his experience with the subject over a period of ten years.

Dr. Spira not only cured himself by discontinuing the use of aluminum cooking utensils but also dozens of others. Symptoms of aluminum poisoning in various patients which were cleared up by not using aluminum utensils were constipation, flatulence, colicky pain, impairment of appetite, nausea, many forms of skin ailments, neuralgia, twitching of legs, giddiness, excessive perspiration, loss of energy, etc. Dr. Spira not only has his patients discontinue the use of aluminum utensils, but also has them stop using tap water, for many cities alum (which is a form of aluminum) is placed in city water supplies to purify it. Dr. Spira has found also that many brands of aluminum ware contain poisonous impurities such as copper, antimony, fluorine, zinc, lead, tin, etc.

Dr. F. Von Halla, in “Aluminum and Darm,” Deutsche Aertze Zeitung, pp. 195 and 201, describes twenty-five cases of patients with severe constipation who could not be cured be regular medical procedures but whose condition dramatically proved when they gave up cooking in aluminum.

Dr. O. Putensen, in the Deutsche Aertze Zeitung, 223, 231, 242, describes the case of a dog with rash sores and intense itching who was cured only when the aluminum pans from which he was fed were thrown out. Dr. Putensen describes experiences with many patients showing cures o gastric and skin disturbances caused by cooking food in aluminum.

Dr. Coram James writing in the British Medical Journal of April 9. 1932, in describing some cases of gastric disturbances which he was able to cure by substituting enamel or iron pots for aluminum, said, “It seems like riding coincidence too hard to suppose that a sequence of a score of more relieved could all have been hypersensitive to aluminum.” What the doctor means is that the aluminum people are allergic to aluminum.

Dr. Alexander Francis, writing in the April 16, 1932, issue of the British Medical Journal, describes how he cured his own case of severe abdominal pain by discontinuing the use of aluminum. The pain had been so bad that at times it completely incapacitated him. Several times later, the pain returned but in every case he found that he had eaten something cooked in aluminum. The abdominal pain caused by aluminum, says the doctor, is of such nature that is cannot be relieved by the usual sedatives. Dr. Francis, in this article, also reports six cases in which he cured abdominal pain by ordering the disuse of aluminum cooking utensils.

Dr. E. H. Rink, writing in the August 6, 1932, issue of the British Medical Journal describes how he treated two patients who were suffering respectively from abdominal pain which was thought to be appendicitis, and a case of colitis.

Dewberry describes a case which occurred in 1944 of 42 men in a military unit who were made ill from eating peas cooked in a copper boiler. There can be no question about it. Copper is not safe as a cooking medium. Besides it destroys considerable vitamin C of the food. Some of the heavier cast aluminum usually contains from five to seven per cent of a copper alloy.

There are many ways of destroying these precious elements, of which many people are not aware. For example: ANY UTENSIL which contains copper will INSTANTLY DESTROY ALL VITAMIN “ C” the moment it comes in contact with the vitamin. Light will destroy “B2” or Riboflavin. One should never cook in a utensil such as glass, which admits light. ALWAYS cook with a COVERED UTENSIL. Never BOIL your food. Boiling temperatures will destroy some vitamins and minerals too. NEVER drain the cooking water down the sink.


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