Wholistic Health Consultant, Naturopath, Fasting Therapist, Life Enhancement Technician, Metaphysician, and Clinical Hypnotherapist
Of course it all began in a storm of controversy. How else?
The “Black media” in New York City had just about bought into all of the medical propaganda surrounding the AIDS hoax. Brothers and sisters from the grassroots Nature-Healing community, who were once trusted, supported, and given platforms from which to discuss pertinent issues concerning the health and well-being of Melanated peoples here and abroad, were ignominiously silenced - replaced by “Black professionals” from government and the medical establishment spewing Orwellian psycho-babble tailored to incite fear, confusion, and above all conformity in the minds of the Black viewing and listening audience.
I myself no longer had access to the “Black” airwaves - nor was I allowed to express my views through the Black print media. Everywhere I turned, people I once considered friends in the struggle for truth and justice, had done a complete 180.
In the “White” media they pushed AZT. In the “Black” media they pushed Kemron.
Since 1986, my views concerning the hoax called HIV/AIDS were looked upon by “community leaders” as insane, ridiculous - even dangerous. I was ostracized from the so-called “circle of acceptance,” even by some parts of the grassroots cultural community. I was seen as a non-scientific egomaniac using tabloid techniques to gain popularity and attention.
All of the so-called ‘legitimate’ doors to public access were slammed in my face. It became clear to me that the truth was not for everyone. So, I did the next best thing. I took my message underground.
What hurt the most during these times, was the fact that some of my closest friends in the struggle were the first to be lost to the other side. I was determined however, not to allow the AIDS hoax to go unchallenged any further in the Black community. Interferon-based drugs like Kemron were already proven useless as a remedy in the White gay community many months earlier. Kemron, which was alleged to have been created in Africa (by an African trained at Harvard University) was being promoted aggressively by radio station WLIB for weeks, which was unprecedented advertising for a race-based drug on a Black community-based radio station.
The New York Amsterdam newspaper also lock-stepped to the medical drum, with its release of an article by Sylvester Leeks entitled “Cure for AIDS discovered in Africa.”
Enough was enough. I called a community meeting. I printed 500 flyers with the heading “AIDS is a Hoax,” and distributed them at all the popular meeting places in the cultural community. I invited the brothers and sisters who were recruited by WLIB Radio and Black doctors with vested interests, to validate and promote Kemron throughout our community.
On the day of the event, 75 to 100 people showed up! I was stunned! I eagerly set about the task of presenting the contradictory evidence. The brothers and sisters who attended listened very carefully. They asked serious, intelligent, thought-provoking questions - and after 4 and 1 half-hours of fruitful exchange, the dye was cast.
Those who told me they were going to promote Kemron for the doctors and the pharmaceuticals in the Black community had changed their minds. Needless to say, from that point, the shit was on.
News spread rapidly about my impromptu meeting and what was revealed, and this truly pissed-off the professional house-niggers. The huge dividends they were promised (to the radio station in advertisement dollars, and as stock options for the medical pimps) would evaporate if there was no popular acceptance of the HIV/AIDS myth and the medical drugs purported to cure it.
If you thought I was vilified and hated before, imagine what those Negroes thought of me after that. The word was out from the “top” that I was “insane.” But interestingly enough, strange and wonderful things seemed to blossom out of all the confusion.
Every time I held an underground meeting after that, more and more people attended. Anywhere from 1 to 200 people would show up from surrounding states like Washington, DC, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Chicago, Detroit, Florida, Atlanta, and the Carolinas. They even came from as far away as California. Those who came were the dissatisfied, highly intelligent people who were sick and tired of the media, and even the rhetoric they were receiving from the so-called alternative healing community - neither of which seemed to have satisfactory answers to vital questions concerning the coming millennium.
And it was these beautiful brothers and sisters with the open minds and the metaphysical expertise of “masters” that inspired me in 1990 to call our underground meetings “The Gathering of the Masters.” In fact, it was sometimes referred to as the Gathering of the Metaphysical Masters.
You see, the twist to these meetings - to the title - was that people reading the words “Gathering of the Masters,” automatically assumed that the guest speakers were the Masters! But that’s not how I envisioned it. To me, it was the incarnated souls who heeded the call to come to such a high-frequency event - the people who came to participate in these “Circles of Light” - THEY were the Masters!
Yes beloved. The “Masters” were the audiences. The Masters are the returning Ascended Masters gathering in the end-of-days; those who once comprised the ancient Circles of Light, who would come together at the end of a millennium to re-ignite their Cosmic memories - to resurrect the atomic/molecular/genetic memories of the population at large; to awaken the Seeds of Ascension that guide our humanity back to the quantum spirituality that was once and always has been our Cosmic inheritance. These are the “Masters” - and this is, and always has been the purpose of “The Gathering.”
“In all thy seeking, seek inner standing.” ALAITEA GNOSIS!
Some former guest speakers of the original Gathering of the Masters (1990-1997) Dr. John Henrick Clarke, Iyanla Vanzant, Drs. Leonard & Rosalind Jeffries, Bro. Steve Cokely, Bro. Bobby Hemmitt, Mama Amibelle & Baba Olatunji, Noel Pointer, Dr. Ann Brown, Bro. Eric Muhammad, Princess Little Flower, Bro. Lloyd Strayhorn, Bro. Hakim Bey, Al Beilek, Preston Nichols, Bro. Dawoud, Peter Noel, Riley Martin.